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Apostle K.T. Thomas: A Life Devoted To God

Birth and Childhood

Apostle K.T. Thomas was born to Mr. Idichandi Thomas and Mrs. Dinamma at Kallissery, in the erstwhile princely state of Travancore, now a part of Kerala state, on the 18th of June, 1927. The family was part of the Brethren movement. His parents were devout Christians. His mother, especially, was a prayerful woman.

A Reckless Soldier

After matriculation, young Thomas joined the British Indian army without the consent of his loving father. As a soldier, he learnt discipline in good measure. However, he lived a godless life even though he had several opportunities to draw closer to God.

This self proclaimed atheist lived a wanton life, pursuing alcohol and other addictions. In the mean time, his parents interceded for him before the Lord.

Close Encounters With Death

In 1947, he had three close encounters with death. The first occurred while he was stationed near the Pakistan border. A Pakistani supporter suddenly appeared, threatening to kill him unless specific weapons were handed over. However, through what seemed like a miraculous intervention, he escaped unharmed.

The second incident took place in Ferozepur, Punjab. A dam burst, sending floodwaters rushing toward him and a group of personnel assigned to emergency duty in the town. Just as they stood helplessly watching the waters approach, a military truck arrived in the nick of time and rescued them.

That same night, they took shelter in a small building in the town, where many had already fled to safer places. Numerous houses had collapsed due to the strong currents, yet the building they were in miraculously remained intact, sparing their lives once again. Despite these harrowing experiences, he remained unmoved and continued to lead an aimless life. “Thomas is just like a cigar burning from both the ends,” one of his friends remarked to another man.


On May 8 1952, Thomas married Marykutty Koshy. After this “arranged marriage,” the bride discovered the groom’s true nature. She began to intercede for him before God. His father’s sudden death shook Thomas. But he resented the added responsibility of looking after the entire family.

Apostle K. T. Thomas with his wife Mrs. Marykutty Thomas


In 1953, Thomas was posted to Delhi. Two years later, he brought his wife, Marykutty, to live with him. She prayed fervently for him throughout their time together.

One day, he came home from work feeling deeply disturbed. His eyes fell on a Bible lying nearby. Almost mechanically, he picked it up and began reading, though until that moment, he had never shown any interest in it. As he opened the Bible, his gaze landed on Ephesians 2:1: “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins…” The verse struck him, and soon, his eyes filled with tears. He got up, bolted the door, and wept as the words stirred something deep within him. He began asking himself, “Am I dead in my sins? Is there truly a God? Is He dealing with me now?”

That Sunday, Pastor M.K. Chacko made an altar call, asking, “Is there anyone who wishes to declare their testimony?” At that moment, Thomas stood up, lifted by the Spirit of God, and cried out, “I am a sinner!” The entire congregation was moved, and many began praising God in tears.

On July 1st, 1956, Thomas accepted the Lord as his personal Savior and was saved. Immediately, he began sharing the message of the Savior’s love with those around him. After feeling convicted of the need for baptism, he asked Pastor M.K. Chacko to baptize him, which took place on July 29th, 1956.

An Active Witness

Thomas did not receive the Holy Spirit until October 19th, 1961. After several days of fasting, God baptized him in the Holy Spirit, filling him with an overwhelming sense of joy and a lightness in his spirit.

He then threw himself wholeheartedly into ministry under the guidance of pastors like M.K. Chacko and P.M. Samuel. Through God’s grace, Thomas helped establish churches and prayer groups in Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Motibagh, Indirapuram, Cantonment, and East Kidwai Nagar areas of Delhi.

In Motibagh, Delhi, a large group of people from different states gathered at the pastor’s house every Sunday. They spoke Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu, reflecting their diverse backgrounds. Many among them were in the military. Through Thomas’s prayers, several experienced divine healing.

Into Full-time Ministry

In 1963, the Holy Spirit led Thomas to resign from his government job. Though he was just two years away from being eligible for a lifelong pension, he chose to obey God and trust Him for provision.

By the end of that year, God enabled Thomas to establish prayer groups in various places around Delhi, including Faridabad (Haryana) and Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh). These prayer groups eventually grew into churches in both Faridabad and Ghaziabad. Additionally, prayer meetings and open-air gatherings were held every weekday.

Thomas’s ministry later expanded to Jamnagar and Ahmedabad in Gujarat, where he frequently traveled to minister.

In 1969, in response to a vision from God to evangelize northern India, Apostle K.T. Thomas pioneered the Indian Pentecostal Church Northern Region.

Triumph Through Trials

Thomas’s life of faith was not without its challenges. Yet, by God’s grace, the Lord had prepared him for the valleys he would face through a vision. One of the most painful trials he endured was the loss of his second son in a tragic road accident.

Despite these trials, Thomas remained steadfast in his faith. His wife, daughter, and son all suffered from serious illnesses, but through God’s intervention, they were healed. Thomas continually testified to God’s faithfulness. In His mercy, God enabled Thomas to educate all his children, and each one married a godly partner.

Thomas also endured great suffering when he experienced a Cerebral Vascular Attack (CVA), caused by the rupture of blood vessels in his brain. He was unconscious for three days but miraculously recovered, a result of the fervent prayers of many believers.

The gospel ministry brought with it numerous financial and emotional challenges, but God sustained Pastor Thomas, enabling him to remain faithful throughout.

A Glorious Homegoing

On April 11, 2011, the Lord called His faithful servant home. Thomas had walked with the Lord Jesus for 55 years. His passing was deeply mourned by the body of Christ in Delhi, across India, and around the world. His life was a powerful testimony of complete devotion to Christ. A true visionary and passionate missionary, he is profoundly missed by the Indian Pentecostal Church Northern Region (IPCNR) community.

Mrs. Marykutty Thomas passed away in 2016. Their eldest son, Stanley Thomas, and his family are settled in the United States. The daughter Suja and her husband Rev. Samuel John (currently President of IPCNR) pastor a church in the U.S. The younger son, Pastor Samuel Thomas and his family lead a church in Green Park, New Delhi. The youngest daughter, Persis John, and her family are actively involved in church ministry in Gurgaon. Persis is an internationally acclaimed singer and worship leader.