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Numerically, the value of one is lesser than all other numbers (of course, excluding zero). Nevertheless it’s a powerful number. One song can revive a listener’s spirit. One note in a music composition can bring harmony. One smile can bring happiness in a broken heart. One candle can dispel the darkness. One step can change the destiny. One touch can bring love. One word can bring hope. One decision can change everything. One vote can bring victory. One minute can make a difference. One life can change the course of history. One matters.
One man, Martin Luther King was instrumental in abolishing racial discrimination between whites and blacks in America. One woman, Mother Teresa brought hope to millions of poor. One man, Mahatma Gandhi spearheaded India’s freedom struggle through message of non-violence and bought freedom from the might of British rule. So many in the history has made a difference with their one life.
One life can change the course of history. One matters.
In a fast paced and ‘plentiful’ world, one is not an important number, but in God’s sight it is powerful. He knows the value of one. Salvation of one soul is more precious and costlier than all things in the world (Matthew 16:26). God would have sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world even if there was only one sinner. One matters.
Again in Luke 15, Lord Jesus talks about the importance of restoring one lost soul whether it is one among the hundred, ten or two, one will not be ignored, because he knows that one can make a difference. Whether that one is a sheep, a coin or a son, one is powerful. Material or immaterial one is powerful. God rejoices and celebrates over that one that is restored. One matters.

You might underestimate the power of one or be thinking how will my one life make any difference. You might be the only one person in your family, company, institute or community, but the truth is that each of us wields far more power than we could possibly imagine. You may think you are powerless but you are not.
You have the power to change the world. “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Rom. 8:37). “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (I John 4:4).
Power is simply the courage to confront the evil, take a stand for what is right and then act to make things different. Esther in Bible was in a very difficult situation. She had a very prominent social platform. If things didn’t go well, she would have lost everything including her own life. Jews would have been wiped out from the face of the earth. But her uncle Mordecai reminded her saying “You have come to the kingdom for such a time as this” (Esther 4:4). Esther stood alone in the presence of the king risking her life. She saved millions of lives from being killed and the guilty was punished.
You are redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord and restored by His grace to make a difference in this world. Be courageous and take a bold stand even if you are alone. God has providentially put you in the family, company, institute and community where you are today for a specific purpose.
Never see yourself as a receiving end or the final destination of God’s grace or mercy or anything He is doing in your life. If you do you will be blocking the way of his divine flow and ultimately work against him. Your one life can inspire and bless millions. Nothing you have been given by God belongs to you. It was given so you can keep giving it away. If you hold on to it, it will die. Abraham was blessed to bless all the families in the world (Genesis 12:3).

The principle of the POWER OF ONE lies in this. It is not the individual player that makes the difference but as we join with God and submit ourselves to His authority we can bring a difference. We can do nothing apart from Him.