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You may recall a childhood story about an old man concerned about his sons who constantly quarreled. To teach them a lesson, he gave them a bundle of sticks tied together and asked them to break it. None could succeed. However, when the bundle was untied, breaking each stick individually became effortless.

Being “one” is not just about being alone; it also refers to the strength that comes from unity. This kind of oneness is far greater than mere individuality. There is power in one, but even greater power when many become one. As Scripture says, “One can put a thousand to flight, and two ten thousand” (Deuteronomy 32:30). However, this multiplication of power is only possible when hearts and minds are truly united. When there is genuine unity, the impact is not just doubled but multiplied exponentially.
This principle aligns with the law of synergism, which states that when multiple forces work together, their combined effect is significantly greater than their individual contributions. A striking example of this was seen in the construction of one of the world’s strongest bridges. Its designer claimed that nothing could destroy it, as it could withstand the immense weight of countless vehicles. However, he warned that if a group of people marched across it in perfect unison, the vibrations could cause the bridge to collapse. This illustrates the immense power of being one.

The power of unity is well understood, yet often forgotten when it comes to personal ambition. Self-interest leads to division, but unity brings growth and perfection. The Bible provides a compelling example: the people of Babylonia worked together to build the Tower of Babel, achieving great progress. Although their intentions were misguided, their unity made them unstoppable. God Himself acknowledged their power, saying, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language… now nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them!” (Genesis 11:6). Unity is a divine principle—it works for both the righteous and the unrighteous. This is why the world often advances rapidly while the Church struggles to keep up.
God desires us to understand and embrace the power of unity—many becoming one. In His high priestly prayer in John 17, Jesus prays four times, “that they may be one, even as We are.” This is not just a statement but an intercession for what should be. Oneness is essential, for through it, God is revealed to the world. It is not our preaching or activities alone that will convince others—though they are important—but rather the visible demonstration of unity in our lives. When we live out this oneness, the world will desire what we have. We create a tangible platform for God to manifest Himself.
Jesus did not pray for sameness but for oneness. He was not asking for mere union but true unity. Union brings people together while allowing them to maintain differences, but unity goes beyond that—it bridges those differences and fosters genuine connection. True unity is about sharing life, just as the Triune God shares life within Himself. The first-century Church exemplified this, living in close fellowship, sharing with one another, and growing daily in numbers (Acts 2:42-47). Their unity made a profound impact, drawing many to Christ. Are we neglecting this vital principle—the very thing Jesus prayed for and the early Church practiced—the power of one?

This unity is not something we create, but rather something we preserve with the help of the Holy Spirit, by walking in a manner worthy of the Gospel (Ephesians 4:1-3).
Throughout history, whenever and wherever God’s people have stood together in unity, He has accomplished incredible and miraculous things. As the Psalmist declares, “There the Lord commands His blessing” (Psalm 133:3). When we are united, walls are broken down, competition ceases, the enemy’s accusations are silenced, and the heavens are opened. Sinners are convicted, God’s presence is revealed, and the impossible becomes possible.
Together, we can achieve far more than we ever could alone. There is great power in oneness.